A fresh condemnation of the Romanian system of ecological taxation of second hand imported vehicles and a new refusal to limit the scope of the judgement in time.
CJEU, Gde Ch., ord., 3 Feb. 2014, joint cases C-97/13, Silvia Georgiana Câmpean v Administratia Finantelor Publice a Municipiului Medias, Administratia Fondului pentru Mediu, and Administratia Finantelor Publice a Mununicipiului Alexandria v George Ciocoiu.
It is not the importance of the joint cases as such, classical in form, which explains their presence before the Grande Chamber of the Court, but the fact that the Romanian government requested that the Court sit in the Grand Chamber, following the unconditional freedom for member states and institutions to request this, under article 16, paragraph 3 of the CJEU statutes.
[pdfjs-viewer url=https://thierry-granturco.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/65.The-environmental-and-tax-legislations-for-second-hand-vehicles-in-Romania-do-not-comply-with-the-EU-rules.pdf viewer_width=600px viewer_height=700px fullscreen=true download=true print=true openfile=false]
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