« By database is intended: a collection of works, data or other elements, independent, systematically or methodically organised and individually accessible through digital means or others ». If article 1.2 of Directive 96/9/CE of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases offers a general definition of the latter, the text is however limited to those databases that are protected by copyright or by the rights sui generis of the producer of databases.
[pdfjs-viewer url=https://thierry-granturco.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/19.Directive-of-11-March-1996-on-database-protection-does-not-apply-to-databases-that-are-not-protected-by-copyright-law-or-by-the-sui-generis-right-of-the-database-producer.pdf viewer_width=600px viewer_height=700px fullscreen=true download=true print=true openfile=false]
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